I'm a motivated and curious student specializing in embedded systems. My broad range of interests combined with unconventional ideas help me to improve and optimize systems as well as my day-to-day life.
M. Sc. Embedded Systems
2023 to ~2025 at Saarland University, Germany
B. Sc. Eingebette Systeme
2019 to 2023 at Saarland University, Germany
Thesis: "Automatic Inference of Hardware-Software Contracts for Open-Source Processors"
Professional Experience
Lecture Assistant for System Architecture
Summer Term 2024 at Saarland University, Germany
- Designed a RISC-V processor in Chisel and created a course project for students
- Programmed a visual interface to simulate the processor & interact with the simulation
- Provided guidance to students on the lecture forum and during office-hours
- Graded tests and exams
Research Assistant
From October 2021 - present at Saarland University, Germany
- Examined various RISC-V open-source processors regarding side-channel leakages
- Designed a template to capture information leakages in the microarchitecture at the architectural level
- Developed a tool that finds candidate contracts within the template for specific microarchitectures
Tutor for Programming 2
Summer Term 2021 at Saarland University, Germany
- Conducted weekly tutorials to reinforce course concepts and answer questions
- Helped students understanding and debugging practical projects
- Graded tests and exams
Tutor for System Architecture
Summer Term 2021 at Saarland University, Germany
- Conducted weekly tutorials to reinforce course concepts and answer questions
- Designed exercise sheets based on the lecture materials
- Created presentations showcasing how to solve the provided exercises
- Graded tests and exams
Tutor for Programming 1
Winter Term 2020/2021 at Saarland University, Germany
- Conducted weekly tutorials to reinforce course concepts and answer questions
- Prepared explanations of key concepts
- Created exercise sheets based on the lecture materials
- Graded tests and exams
Community Service & Extracurricular Activities
Webmaster of Rotex 1820
August 2019 - present
- Design & maintenance of the website
- Administrating a mail-server and authentication system
- Providing a cloud infrastructure for collaborative work
Member of Rotex 1820
September 2017 - present
Rotex 1820 is a group of former exchange students who support current exchange students in their region. Some of our tasks include:
- Planning events & tours for exchange students
- Supervising events, coordinating workshops for exchange students
- Supporting exchange students in their daily life
- Sharing own experiences with future exchange students
Exchange Student in Lima - Peru
July 2016 to July 2017
During my exchange I improved my intercultural skills and learned to adapt to new environments quickly. My host family allowed me to experience the Peruvian culture first-hand and I was able to learn Spanish fluently.